Communication is a most important factor in providing a positive experience for our children and families. We are available to discuss your concerns and to share information regarding your child. Feel free to speak with your child's teachers and the director as needed.

Parent Handbook
A Parent Handbook is provided to each family on the first day of school. It covers school policies on release of children, administration of medication, management of communicable diseases, discipline, field trips, toilet training, safety, outdoor policies, parties and celebrations, as well as communication systems, skills checklists, classroom schedules, parking regulations, curriculum, parental rights, etc.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Individual Parent/Teacher conferences are held semi-annually and upon the request of the parent and/or staff member(s) to discuss the child's needs and progress.

Parent Visits
Parents are invited for various activities and events throughout the year. Parents have also shared their talents by assisting in the classroom with such activities as making a gingerbread house and experimenting with electronic musical equipment. Each year brings new surprises from the parent body, which adds great dimension to our program. We also invite parents to make the traditional community helper visits, such as doctor, dentist, nurse, flight attendant, firefighter, etc.
Parent Rights
In accordance with State regulations, all parents receive a copy of a statement of their rights regarding school operations. This is incorporated into the Parent Handbook, and is also posted in the school office.
Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation meetings are scheduled with both the Director and staff at the beginning of the year. The connection between child development and curriculum and philosophy is discussed, helping parents to understand why we do what we do and how they can assist in the process. These meetings are especially helpful to those new in the area and/or new to Scribbles. Come and have your questions answered and socialize with other parents. A schedule is distributed before the school year begins.
Parent Education
During the school year, parents have an opportunity to learn more about some aspect of child development through attendance at our informal discussion groups. In past years, we have met with a pediatrician, occupational therapist, nutritionist, child psychologist, dermatologist, chiropractor, and parenting skills facilitator. We will continue to provide these enrichment experiences for our families at no cost.
Parent Resource Library
Our parent resource library contains books and videos for parents to borrow. The topics enable parents to gain a better understanding of their child's growth and learning. As a result, they are able to obtain the required support needed to be able to enhance their child's early development. The library includes books by experts in the field of pediatrics, early childhood education and psychology.

Parent Surveys
Each year we invite you, the parents, to complete questionnaires about our school, in order to better meet your needs. These surveys cover areas such as curriculum, administration, communication, etc. They are distributed in early May each year, except during reaccreditation years, when they are distributed in late Fall or early Winter. Your opinions are valued and respected, and help us towards our goal of providing the highest quality education for your children.
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is always welcome. Our registration packet includes a Parent Participation form, which lists all the ways parents can get involved in the school. This includes such things as hospitality, publicity, substitute teaching, etc. Some committees are formed which provide help and also enable parents to get to know each other.
Back to School Night
Our yearly Back to School Night is held in mid-October. At this time, parents have the opportunity to meet with staff, visit the classrooms, meet representatives of our enrichment programs and see various photographic and other displays.
Newsletters and Announcements
Our periodic newsletters contain information regarding special events, plans for the month, classroom happenings and other important items. With any last minute announcements and reminders, we post signs on each door. We also post important information and “Highlights of the Day” outside each classroom. Newsletters are distributed via cubbies or e-mail, at the request of parents.

Behavior Management Policy
As required by state law, our Discipline Policy is posted in the office. It is also included in the Parent Handbook. It is based on the developmental needs of young children and our philosophy. It focuses on the positive, not the negative, and respects the rights of each child. This promotes self-esteem.
School Closings and Snow Days
Any change regarding our typical hours of operation will be left on our school recording. Scribbles utilizes News 12 New Jersey for closings, delays and early dismissals. You can watch News 12 New Jersey, or go to for this information.
In addition, “Room Mommies” and “Room Daddies” will contact parents as soon as weather delays and/or cancellation decisions are made by the administration. Please wait until 7:15 AM before calling the school. When Mountain Lakes public school system closes due to weather, Scribbles does likewise. However, as we serve families from over 10 towns, and because our 2-½ hour sessions are shorter than the elementary school day, we sometimes need to cancel a session even when the Mountain Lakes public school system has a delayed opening. We will make every effort to make up snow days if there are an excessive number of closings.