Our School in Action…
Scribbles Playground
Outdoor play.
Outdoor play.
Earth Day 2007
The Play Mart® structure is made from 6,825 recycled milk jugs.VROOM!
“Fill 'er up.”
Making applesauce.
Making applesauce.
Dramatic play.
Dentist's visit.
Playing doctor.
Chiropractor visits with Mr. Bones.
Creating a classroom mural.
Indoor play for Fours class.
Touch the Music Enrichment class.
Touch the Music.
KidsClub Yummy Tummy class.
A dad visits from the NBA/WNBA and teaches us about basketball.
Celebrating the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
Experimenting with pasta.
Kindergarten Enrichment students examine rocks
from the Morris Museum loan department.