Scribbles Preschool, Inc. Scribbles Preschool, Inc.


In an emergency, parents will be contacted immediately and the ambulance called for transportation to St. Clare's Hospital, if necessary. It is imperative that we have accurate phone numbers and medical information on file. Please CHECK our Master Lists in your child's classroom for ACCURACY of phone numbers for yourselves and your emergency listings. This includes cell phone numbers.

The following HEALTH POLICIES have been established after consulting with pediatricians:
4d Healthy Bodies drawings eye exam

For information on medical immunizations and exemptions, see Communicable Disease Service, Vaccine Preventable Disease Program, New Jersey Sanitary Code, Immunization of Pupils in Schools:

Evaluations of possible developmental delays are available through local school child study teams and private agencies. Please inquire with the Director regarding procedures and referrals.

Fire Drills

Fire Drills are held a minimum of once a month, as part of our fire safety curriculum. Children practice vacating the building quickly in all weather conditions.

Toilet Training/Bathroom Policy

We will accept children who are not toilet trained in our Intro and Threes’ classes if the following conditions are met:

wet baby

If the child is having frequent bowel movements, the parent will be called in to assist so as not to disrupt the program. Children entering our Fours’ classes are expected to be toilet trained. For “accidents”, extra clothing is kept at school.


Clothing for our preschool program needs to be comfortable and practical for climbing, running, jumping, painting, clay, sand, etc. Closed shoes with rubber soles allow your child free and safe play. Jackets should not have hoods or strings as these present a choking hazard. No necklaces, as this is also a choking hazard outdoors in the playground. Also, PLEASE LABEL everything. Mark all items clearly so that your child will learn to identify his/her own belongings.

drawing of peaches, plums, bananas


Snack time is a favorite time in our day. We learn about new foods and new friends. We reinforce good manners, good feelings and self-help skills. We provide fruit, crackers, bottled water and pretzels, etc. Due to allergy concerns, we have a no peanut-butter/nut product policy. Children are encouraged to set the table and pour their own juice. Periodically, we ask parents to help reinforce nutritional goals by sending in a healthy snack. Birthdays are celebrated in school at snack time. Summer birthdays are acknowledged at the end of the school year.

Forms (pdf) for download: