Sciensational Workshops for Kids
We periodically sponsor workshops for older children (6 to 11 years of age), such as Sciensational's “Chemical Magic Workshop”. These are offered during school vacations. You can download the latest flyer and registration form from our home page.
Field Trips

Field trips provide the children with an enriching opportunity to reinforce concepts and experience things first hand. Children in our classes for “Fours” visit such places as the Morris Museum, St. Clare's Hospital, The Planetarium at County College, Brookhollow Llama Farm, The Arboretum, the Post Office, the Firehouse, a local dentist's office, etc. Tuition includes field trip admission fees for both child and one adult chaperone. Parents are encouraged to join us, and volunteer to drive on our field trips. Scribbles observes all NJ State safety regulations regarding these outings, such as the use of car seats and seatbelts for each child.

Summer Camp
Our summer camp is held the last two weeks in June.